Quote Archived

March 2017


曾两度出任英国首相的丘吉尔曾患抑郁症,并形容“心中的抑郁就像只黑狗,一有机会就咬住我不放。” 至此之后,英语世界里“黑狗(black dog)”就成了抑郁症的代名词。


the Beatles - 《Two of US》

You and I have memories, Longer than the road that stretches out ahead.

Good Fucking Design Advice.

because sometime, being your own worst critic is not enough.

#+BEGIN_QUOTE Believe in your fucking self. Stay up all fucking night. Work outside of your fucking habits. Know when to fucking speak up. Fucking collaborate. Don’t fucking procrastinate. Get over your fucking self. Keep fucking learning. Form follows fucking functions. A computer is a Lite-Brite for bad fucking ideas. Find fucking inspiration everywhere. Fucking network. Educate your fucking client. Trust your fucking gut. Ask for fucking help. Make it fucking sustainable. Question fucking everything. Have a fucking concept. Learn to take some fucking criticism. Make me fucking care. Use fucking spell check. Do your fucking research. Sketch more fucking ideas. The problem contains the fucking solution. Thinking about all fucking possibilities. #+END_QUOTE