What’s the Future for A.I.?

What’s the Future for A.I.?

A.I. in the near term

A.I. in the medium term

A.I. in the long term

The risks of A.I.

Before GPT-4 was released, OpenAI handed it over to an outside group to imagine and test dangerous uses of the chatbot.

The group found that the system was able to hire a human online to defeat a Captcha test. When the human asked if it was “a robot,” the system, unprompted by the testers, lied and said it was a person with a visual impairment.

Testers also showed that the system could be coaxed into suggesting how to buy illegal firearms online and into describing ways to make dangerous substances from household items. After changes by OpenAI, the system no longer does these things.

The remedies for A.I.

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