Will A.I. Become the New McKinsey?
作者的关键是说 AI 最大的进步在于帮助「资本」更好的剥削平民。 科技进步可以让整个社会的财富增加,但这部份的财富增加更多的是资本家的财富,而非普通人的财富。 普通人的财富不能说没有增加,但是其增幅远远落后于整体经济的增幅。
我的看法是这几乎是不可避免的事情,就好像生活在农村和城市里的人群,更先进的科技往往对城里人更有帮助,而对于农村的人却鲜有影响。 怎么让更多的人受益呢,作者的意思是需要政府介入
Will A.I. Become the New McKinsey?
A former McKinsey employee has described the company as “capital’s willing executioners”: if you want something done but don’t want to get your hands dirty, McKinsey will do it for you.
Is there a way for A.I. to do something other than sharpen the knife blade of capitalism? whenever I criticize capitalism, I’m not criticizing the idea of selling things; I’m criticizing the idea that people who have lots of money get to wield power over people who actually work.
I do think that A.I. is dangerous inasmuch as it increases the power of capitalism.
People who criticize new technologies are sometimes called Luddites…The Luddites were not anti-technology; what they wanted was economic justice. They destroyed machinery as a way to get factory owners’ attention.
technology has become conflated with capitalism In the United States, per-capita G.D.P. has almost doubled since 1980, while the median household income has lagged far behind. That period covers the information-technology revolution. This means that the economic value created by the personal computer and the Internet has mostly served to increase the wealth of the top one per cent of the top one per cent, instead of raising the standard of living for U.S. citizens as a whole.
the claim that better technology will necessarily improve people’s standard of living is no longer credible.