The Canva Backlink Empire: How SEO, Outreach & Content Led To A $6B Valuation

Using Search Intent To Inspire Landing Pages

Canva has two key landing pages for most of their use cases: A page for discovery and a page for creation.

Understand the intent of the person using Google

Using terms from Canva’s site architecture, we’ll call these two types “Create Pages” and “Template Pages.”

Landing Pages & A Directory For Niche Intent & Use Cases ATTACH

Across the entire site, we found that Canva has more than 55 parent pages, each with up to 78 child pages.

Create Scalable Landing Pages That Rank & Convert ATTACH

The pages follow a very standard template that is easy for a content creator to replicate for multiple child pages:

Canva has developed a team of outreach specialists who identify content that mentions things like “invitations,” “posters” or “digital marketing tools.” Then they reach out to the creators.

Today, they have more than 4.24M backlinks from 100,000 domains and generate more than 270 million visitors every single year from organic traffic alone.

Today, more than 75 people are listed as working at Canva (part time or full time) with SEO in their title or job description.

Create Landing Pages In Response To New Demand ATTACH

Take a look at this Google Trends track for the query “Zoom Background”:


本质上来说还是堆关键词,但是 Canva 的关键词和产品是紧密相关的,同时作为一个创作类工具,它也有能力通过 UGC 或者 PGC 的方式来创造更多的关键词。 PGC 同时还主动邀请专业的创造者来贡献内容。 另外就是需要有足够多的人才能运行起来,Canva 有 75 个人在做和 SEO 相关的内容。