How Atlassian Helps Startups Clone Their Product Led Growth Strategy

One PLG Adopter Created Hundreds More

The rationale behind Atlassian’s go-to-market strategy was threefold:

  1. If we don’t have sales staff, the product must sell itself
  2. If the product needs to sell itself, it must be easy to try and it must be “cheap enough” to be purchased without C-level approval
  3. If it doesn’t need approval, the purchasing process must be easy for end users

Atlassian mastered the way their software is discovered, tried and purchased, all assisted by an automated online experience.

Finding and Solving Real End User Pain

Atlassian has always maintained a public Jira to track feature requests for its products, where anyone could filter for the most voted (meaning: most wanted by customers) features.


From 1 Product to 7 Following Atlassian’s PLG Strategy

Atlassian Marketplace and its services played a significant role in providing Midori the perfect conditions for implementing a product led growth strategy.

1. Distributing Midori apps where users live

2. Zero-friction onboarding

3. Delivering value before the paywall

4. Making admins the champions