2022 Product benchmarks - Openview



Frequently Used Terms

  • Freemium: These companies with a free version of their product as the go-to product experience. We consider freemium companies to be product-led.
  • Free Trial: These are companies that offer a timeboxed, self-serve free trial of their product, we consider free-trial companies to be product-led.
  • Sales-Led Growth: These are comanies that require a user to work directly with a sales rep to experience the product.
  • PLG
  • Standout PLG: This is a subset of companise that filled out the 2022 product benchmarks survey that consistently grow at above 30% at scale, have surpassed $30M in revenue and are household names.
  • PQL: are users who are prioritized as ready for saels outreach based on their usage patterns within the product.

Respondent Breakdown

Annual Growth Rate ATTACH

Product experience

Product-Led Growth ATTACH

PLG companies

The new User Journey ATTACH

Hwo can business meaure and optimize the new user journey?

Discover: How Can a PLG Company Grow ATTACH

PLG method

  • Exposure Virality: Every single time someone interacts with your product, they expose your brand in some way and are happy to do it because it makes them look good.
  • Collaborative Virality: Users who want external parties to view their work or interact with them in an application can invite them, driving user growth and awareness.
  • Sidecar Products: are standalone products taht solve for issues your ideal customers face. Great examples are HubSpot’s Website Grader, Snyk’s Vulnerability Database, and Wistia’s Soapbox.
  • Product-Driven SEO

Start: Capturing User Interest ATTACH

Web-to-free rate: Freemium > Free Trial > Standout PLG

The median rate at which users will sign up within 90 days after visiting the website for th first time is 3.12%.

Activate: Nailing the Aha Moment ATTACH

Aha Moment is:

  • A one-time event that cannot be undone or completed multiple times.
  • It represents true value to the user, not a vanity metric.

Convert: How Does Sales Work at PLG Company ATTACH

The median rate at which users will upgrade to paid within 90 days after signup is 6%.

PQL model have free-to-paid Conversion Rate that are nearly 20% higher than their peers without PQLs.

Scale: Focus on Usage Retention to Grow ATTACH

Tools in the new era of PLG will find a new way to capture user engagement.

Closing Remarks

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