Learn faster with a Growth Process

Learn faster with a Growth Process ATTACH

All of the companies, regardless of business model, learn faster than anyone and use that learning to grow faster.

Hacking Growth

What does it take for companies to learn faster?

companies must understand that:

  1. A high-tempo process, where teams test idea after idea, is what allows companies to learn fast and grow sustainably. This is referred to as the Growth Hacking Process.
  2. A simple “hack” or silver bullet, might contribute to initial fleeting growth, but that growth is unsustainable and won’t last long.
  3. Product Market Fit has to be achieved before transitioning to growth.

Pre-work— Identify a North Star Metric

Before jumping into a high-tempo process, it’s vital for your team to identify and measure a North Star Metric (NSM).

What is the high-tempo growth hacking process? ATTACH

At a high level, high-tempo growth hacking can be broken down into a repeatable four-step process:

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