Idea Prioritization With ICE and The Confidence Meter

Idea Prioritization With ICE and The Confidence Meter ATTACH

  • Which product idea would you choose?

Prioritizing Using ICE Score

  • Impact is an estimate of how much the idea will positively affect the key metric you’re trying to improve.
  • Ease (of implementation) is an estimation of how much effort and resources will be required to implement this idea. This is typically the inverse of effort (person-week) — lower effort means higher ease.
  • Confidence indicates how sure we are about Impact, and to some degree also about ease of implementation. I’ve written a whole article to explain why prioritization by impact and effort is not enough.

Prioritization round 1: First ICE

Calculating confidence

Prioritization round 2: Estimations and feasibility checks

Prioritization round 3: Market Data

Prioritization round 4: Customer Evidence

Final Prioritization Round And a Winner!


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