The Surprising Power of Online Experiments

The Surprising Power of Online Experiments ATTACH

Appreciate the Value of A/B Tests

In an A/B Testing the experimenter sets up two experiences: “A,” the control, is usually the current system and considered the “champion,” and “B,” the treatment, is a modification that attempts to improve something—the “challenger.” Users are randomly assigned to the experiences, and key metrics are computed and compared.

Any company that has at least a few thousand daily active users can conduct these tests.

Tiny changes can have a big impact.

In 2008 an employee in the United Kingdom made a seemingly minor suggestion: Have a new tab (or a new window in older browsers) automatically open whenever a user clicks on the Hotmail link on the MSN home page, instead of opening Hotmail in the same tab. A test was run with about 900,000 UK users, and the results were highly encouraging: The engagement of users who opened Hotmail increased by an impressive 8.9%, as measured by the number of clicks they made on the MSN home page. (Most changes to engagement have an effect smaller than 1%.) However, the idea was controversial because few sites at the time were opening links in new tabs, so the change was released only in the UK.

Experiments can guide investment decisions.

faster is better, but could the value of an improvement be quantified? Should there be three, 10, or perhaps 50 people working on that performance enhancement?

The data showed that every 100-millisecond difference in performance had a 0.6% impact on revenue.

Build a Large-Scale Capability

At Google and Bing, only about 10% to 20% of experiments generate positive results. At Microsoft as a whole, one-third prove effective, one-third have neutral results, and one-third have negative results.

Scientifically testing nearly every proposed idea requires an infrastructure: instrumentation (to record such things as clicks, mouse hovers, and event times), data pipelines, and data scientists.

A company’s experimentation personnel can be organized in three ways:

Centralized model.

Decentralized model.

Center-of-excellence model.

Small companies typically start with the centralized model or use a third-party tool and then, after they’ve grown, switch to one of the other models.

Address the Definition of Success

Every business group must define a suitable (usually composite) evaluation metric for experiments that aligns with its strategic goals. Getting it right—coming up with an Overall Evaluation Criterion (OEC)—takes thoughtful consideration and often extensive internal debate. We recommend that the OEC be adjusted annually.

as Bing’s experience shows. Its key long-term goals are increasing its share of search-engine queries and its ad revenue. Interestingly, decreasing the relevance of search results will cause users to issue more queries (thus increasing query share) and click more on ads (thus increasing revenue). Obviously, such gains would only be short-lived, because people would eventually switch to other search engines.

Beware of Low-Quality Data

You need to allocate time and resources to validating the experimentation system and setting up automated checks and safeguards. One method is to run rigorous A/A tests—that is, test something against itself to ensure that about 95% of the time the system correctly identifies no statistically significant difference.

Avoid Assumptions About Causality

Because of the hype over big data, some executives mistakenly believe that causality isn’t important.

Office users who get error messages also have lower attrition, because they too tend to be heavy users. But does that mean that showing users more error messages will reduce attrition? Hardly.

Clearly, observational studies cannot establish causality.

That said, we should point out that you don’t always have to know the “why” or the “how” to benefit from knowledge of the “what.” This is particularly true when it comes to the behavior of users, whose motivations can be difficult to determine.


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