Introduction to Zero to 100 and the Nine Step Journey

3 steps for toB business

Search for Product-Market Fit

The Lean Startup

Search for Repeatable, Scacnrrlable & Profitable Growth Model

Repeatable because of business is like lots waves, each wave is a milestone. You need to repeatable to create the wave.

Ask the right question in each step, then resolve it, and then go to next step. Every time you hit the milestones, the business motion is changing, not just the vulation.

Scaling the business


When to start dunraising, 3 month before your cash running out.

Product marketing fit, 3 steps:

  1. Test hypothesis
  2. Prove the value
  3. Prove it can be sold

Search for repeatable, scalable, profitable growth modal

  1. Find repeatable sales motion
  2. Prove non-founders can sell
  3. Make it scalable
  4. Ensure customer success
  5. Make it profitable

Scaling the business

  1. Hit the Gas & Scale
  2. Scale the organization & it’s processes
  3. Expand internationally
  4. Add additional product lines

Repeatable can tell you know how to repeat Scalable can tell you know how to growth Profitable you can make money with it


  1. Trying to force progress by jumping ahead before completing the current phase build product before meeting enough buyers to validate the hypothesis. hiring sales people before founders have proven they can sell the products. Scaling sales before growth process is repeatable Scaling sales before solving churn problem.