Six Key Benchmarks for Your SaaS Startup


Inside Sales Driven Companies Grow Fastest

Price the Product Between $1k to $25k Annually to Optimize Growth Companies

with contract sizes of $1k to $25k grow the fastest, about 26% faster or 35% y/y.

Cost of Customer Acquisition is About 11 Months’ of Revenue.

The median startup spends about 92% of first year average contract value on the sale, implying an 11 month payback period on the CAC.

Upsells are a Secret to Growing the Business Twice as Fast

The top 50% of growers generate more upsell business than their slower growing competitors.

Sales commission as % of ACV 9%

I assumed the typical ACV/compensation ratio was about 4:1 but in practice that number is closer to 10:1.

Median Monthly Revenue Churn is 0.75%

This means each year, the median business loses about 10% of its revenue to churning customers.